Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day!!!

Okay, so being a stay at home mom means that every day that there is snow is a snow day for us! :) This past Wednesday it snowed about 5 inches and then on Thursday it was so nice and sunny and the temperature very tolerable outside so Karina and I decided to go out and play in the snow, or the "snowy" as she calls it. She was a bit apprehensive at first but then I could hardly convince her to come back inside. Oh yeah and we've been looking for snow boots for her but have yet to find any for a decent price, so she had to wear her fashionable pink cowboy boots out in the snow! Here are some pics of the day...
"Mommy help me!!"
"Following the leader, the leader, the leader..."
What a beautiful little doggie!!
You can still swing...even in the snow!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Ohhh...Christmas Tree(s)"

This year during the Christmas season Karina has definitely been aware of all the decorations, Christmas trees, etc... and asking questions about what it is all for. So we've been telling her we're celebrating Jesus' birthday and she's all about that because she loves birthdays for some reason, so when we ask her why we put a Christmas tree up she says, "it's for Jesus' birthday party!"

So anyways, before we got our big Christmas tree, she kept saying that she "neeeeeeded" a baby Christmas tree. So we went to Walgreens to find a "baby" Christmas tree and the first one we saw was a little white Christmas tree with none other than her best friend, Cinderella on it. So of course we had to get that one. It's really cute though, it lights up and plays Christmas carols.

Then a couple of days later we got the big Christmas tree. Abel brought it in the house, we put it in the stand, put the water in the base, and then he left for work...that darn thing was up for less than an hour when Yoyo saw something through front window and bee lined it towards the windows barking his head off and he knocked over the entire tree spilling the water all over the floor, into the vents and all over the carpet! Thankfully the tree was not decorated yet! So once we finally got the thing back up and stablized, Karina helped me decorate the tree and here's the finished product....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Best Buddies

Karina and YoYo are best buddies, I find them doing things like this on any random cute!!

First Snow of the Season

We had our first snow of the season this past Sunday. We were driving to church and the flakes were HUGE! About the size of was so pretty! Last year Karina did not want to have anything to do with the snow, she wouldn't even touch it, this year she is all about the "snowy" outside and wants to play in it!

Thanksgiving in Indiana

This year we went to Indiana to have Thanksgiving with my mom's family. My mom's family is so large that for a holiday like this we are too big to fit in someone's house, so like every year for the last I don't know how many years we were in a church fellowship hall, this time my aunt's church. Had great food, the little kids had fun with all the toys and the big kids played football outside. The funnest part of the Thanksgiving getaway was that we got to stay at a hotel, but the weird part is that it was in our hometown. I say weird because usually when we go to Indiana we stay with family, well this time because it was a holiday, our extended family had family staying with them and because our immediate family is large now (it was me and my family, my sister and her family and mom and dad, 10 total) we didn't really have anywhere to stay, so we decided to get a suite at the Essenhaus Inn, which has been there all through my growing up years and a so VERY touristy place that we never thought we'd stay there...but this time we did...and it was so fun!! The suite was awesome, it was actually three separate rooms. It had a bedroom then a living room with a kitchenette and then another bedroom. And three bathrooms, yes three!! We stayed there on Thanksgiving night and my brother Todd and his family came to hang out with us. They had a full size indoor pool, a kiddie pool and a hot tub...soooo nice. Like I said it felt weird at first but then we got over it! HAHA! I can't believe it but I hardly took any pictures at all the whole weekend, but here are some cute pictures of Kolton (my nephew) and Karina laying on the bed in the hotel...