Can it be??? 4 years have passed since our precious girl came to us??? Now, I see each day through different lenses than when she was 1 or 2. Time passes so quickly that I sometimes forget how tiny she was, or how sweetly her fresh baby hair smelled, or how she would grab my necklace when I rocked her to sleep. And while those memories are forever written on my heart, I put my new lenses on, and see the wonderful little 4 year old that she is. How independent she is, yet still so dependent on us. How sweet and tenderhearted she is. How helpful she is. How she sweetly says, for no reason at all, "mommy, I love you!" How she tells us she loves Jesus. Each day is such a precious day that we are given with her and with each precious day, more precious memories...We love you baby girl!
Every year on Karina's birthday I take a picture of her in her "Birthday Princess" crown. Here are some pictures of each year.
1 year old
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old

Every year on Karina's birthday I take a picture of her in her "Birthday Princess" crown. Here are some pictures of each year.
1 year old
This year for Karina's birthday, we had her party at Build A Bear. She was sooooo excited about it and so were all her little friends. They have such a fun little process and all the girls loved it. Get ready for a bunch of pictures!!
Build A Bear!!
Teegan & Karina
Me trying to help Karina pick out which bear she wanted. She was the last one to decide...hmmm I know someone else like that...(daddy) :)
Success!! Everyone has a bear!
Karina's turn at stuffing the bear
Stepping on the pedal to give it some fluff
The "squeeze" test: making sure it's fluffy enough to squeeze :)
Jillian's turn
Teegan's squeeze test
Daniela's turn
Laila's turn
Jalese's turn
They each got a heart to put inside their bear, but first they had to kiss it and rub it and hug it and I don't know what all else, but it was cute :)
After they each stuck a heart in their own bear, everyone got another heart, including the mommies and daddies, and they all stuck it in Karina's bear so her bear has like 16 hearts! It was very cute :)
Hearts are in, time to sew up the bears!
"Bath" time!
The Dads, doing their thing...waiting for the women :)
What girls do best - Accessorize!!
The finished bear, whom she named Giselle :)
Getting Giselle a birth certificate
They were all sooooo cute! L-R: Daniela with a Panda, Jalese with a Kitty, Teegan with a Bunny, Jillian with a Pony, Karina with Pink Bear, and Laila with a Purple Bear
Silly girl
A mass of bears and kids
All done! Lets go have some cake!!
Opening some presents
The Cake