Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Incredible Hulk-arina

Ok I haven't posted for a while because our camera broke and we had to send it out to get it fixed.
So the other day, Karina kept pleading, "mommy, paint, please?" I said ok. I had some work to do on the computer so I thought, "ok that will keep her busy so I can get some work done." So I set up all her stuff on the kitchen floor and stripped her down to her undies so she wouldn't get her clothes all dirty. So I go into the laundry room where our computer is and which is also right off of the kitchen and proceed to do my work. Every once in a while I'd call out, "are you doing ok Karina?" and each time her response was "uh huh". So she had been painting for probably 10 to 15 minutes and I went into the kitchen and found this....


Danette said...

well, its about time you post again :0) This video is hilarious. She looked so stinkin' funny. You are a brave woman to give her paints and the entire kitchen...haha. How are things going? Miss you guys.

Elizabeth Angelo said...

oh my goodness. the girls are always asking to paint and only rarely do i work up the courage to let them!! karina is pretty cute! Liz

Jenn said...

this is so funny! She looks adorable even in all that paint!!!

Anonymous said...

hey it's cousin jessica! that video is too cute! she's gotten so big! of course it's been a long time since we've seen anyone really!!
hope to see you around the holidays!

Carla said...

Hey Jessica!
Thanks for visiting my blog! It was really cool to hear from you. Yes we hope to see all of you around the holidays!
Take care!

Carla said...

Hey Liz,
I guess I could hold you responsible for the paint thing :) You guys gave her those paints as a gift at her first birthday party!!! HA HA HA I'm only kidding of course!