Anyone that has teenage girls or is around teenage girls is probably aware of the teenage Phenomenon that is the Jonas Brothers. And it just so happens that we took part in that Phenomenon! A couple of weeks ago we got to go to a Jonas Brothers concert and got to go backstage and meet them.

Just to give you an interesting little background, when we lived in Dallas, my mom and dad worked at Christ For The Nations at the same time that Kevin and Denise Jonas (which are the Jonas Brothers parents who travel with them all the time).
So after we met the Jonas Brothers before the concert, we were with some of our friends when we saw Kevin Sr. and he says to me, "You look so familiar, do I know you?" and I said, "Well you may remember me from CFNI and my parents Richard & Ruby Beachy". To which he responded, "Of course I remember the Beachy's!" So then we went into another room and saw Denise and she says, "you look so familiar...." and of course she remembered mom and dad too. So I was like go mom and dad!
Anyway, we had a great time, they put on an incredible show and I've never heard anything so loud in all my life as 28,000 screaming teenage girls (and Abel too) as the JoBros walked out onto the stage...

Ok, Jacob thinks that you guys are sooooo lucky. Teenage girls aren't the only ones who like the Jonas Brothers are you kidding me? Jacob thinks they are pretty cool. :-) I like them a little bit too but don't tell anyone!!
That is cool that you guys got to go backstage. anyway, Karola's email is take care...
Hey Danette, I guess you're right, boys do like them too, I think we saw maybe 20 of them at the concert :) J/K
Thanks for Karola's email, I'll give it to Janessa.
Have a good day!
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