Friday, January 9, 2009


YAY!!!! Karina finally has a bed!!! We have been waiting on this bed since October I think! It was on backorder at Ikea and it finally came in.
Here's the dilemma: She did fine in it the first night, but then last night, she was up three times crying and saying, "I all done with my bed". Uuuugggghhh. Then this morning we asked her why she was crying and she said, "I want my green baby bed", meaning her pack n play which she has been sleeping in for the last two months...hmmmmm, what to do, what to do...we'll see what happens I guess...


Jackie said...

Carla, I LOVE the colors in Karina's room. So fun.

Ah yes...the switching over to the "big bed". Savannah sort of did it on her own last summer, but there were a few nights that she had a rough time. Don't worry, she'll get it. :)

I had fun catching up on your blog...was wondering how your trip to Cali and Mexico went...looks like soooo much fun!

Heather said...

That is a BEAUTIFUL bed! This is Heather Oldenburg by the way. How are you?

Carla said...

Hi Heather! That's great you found my blog! I bet you found it through Danette right? :) I've seen that she has your blog listed on her blog too. That bed was definitely worth the 2 months that we waited for it at IKEA! The best thing about it that it is extendable, the bed and the mattress grow with your child, it extends to a twin size bed. Anyways, we're doing great, how bout you guys...thanks for visiting!!

Heather said...

We are doing pretty good. That is grat that the bed will grow with her! We have a crib that does that, but we ended up buying Noly a toddler bed when we found out Jule was coming...not sure if he'll get the crib toddler bed or if we'll just sell it. Yep, found you through Danette!