After a conversation with my sister last night, she said it perfectly: "There's light at the end of the tunnel!" We're on week 6 of 10!!
I felt like last week was my "hump" week, with it being the halfway point and all. It kinda seemed to drag on, and I was kinda feeling like I hit a wall, but again the words from the Josh Wilson song, Before The Morning kept ringing in my head:
Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
that you still have a reason to sing,
'cause the pain you've been feeling,
can't compare to the joy that's coming
so hold on, you got to wait for the light
press on, just fight the good fight
because the pain you've been feeling,
it's just the dark before the morning
I was reminded again at how God has been so faithful to us through this journey. Not just our lives are being changed, but other people's lives are being touched and changed as well, not by anything we've done, but all because of Jesus.
He is doing so good, I can hear it in his voice.
He said that everyone is doing great as a platoon, they had another really great week. This week they are getting fitted for their Dress Uniforms (the really nice dressy ones), and also this week from Tues - Friday they are doing Victory Hammer, where they'll be out "camping" (which by the way he hates camping! LOL!) and doing their combat scenarios and all that good stuff. Then, the following week, they should be moving to Blue Phase (YAY!!) and then the week after that is when they do Victory Forge, which is another camping thing, except 6 days that time, it's their "rite of passage" and then after that's done they will be practicing for graduation! So I know for him time is gonna zip right on by and hopefully for us too. We have a busy April coming up.
He told me that he's lost about 11 pounds and today he was gonna have to go get fitted for new uniforms because his didn't fit him anymore. The uniforms were already a little big when he first got them and now that he's lost that much weight, he needed new ones. :)
Abel's birthday is coming up on the 15th so if you think about it, it would be really nice if you could send him a card :) Mail has been pretty quick getting to him so if you send it one week before his birthday, I'm sure he'd get it on time. I'll post his address again at the end of this post.
Also, he said to stop sending letters after April 22nd, because they don't want them getting mail after they've graduated and because they'll be out almost all that last week anyways.
Thanks again for walking with us through this journey...stick around cause there's more excitement to come!!
Here's his address once sure to address it in blue ink and put a big blue 4 on the back of the envelope.
SPC, Vargas, Abel
D co. 2-39th Inf Reg
4th Platoon (Head Hunters)
10400 Hampton Pkwy
Ft. Jackson, SC 29207-6820
Most recent pics :)

Chow Time

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