Ok everyone, this is gonna be a long one, so go get yourself a snack, a cup of coffee, or whatever you'd like and settle in :)
Our story today brings us to the end of a 10 week journey...and starts us on a new one...
On Tuesday, May 3rd, our caravan (10 of us! Me and Karina, my parents, my sister and her family of 6) left Illinois and drove 11 hours to South Carolina where we stayed with some friends of the family overnight and then the next morning we finished the drive to Ft. Jackson, where our caravan turned into 13 (my brother and 2 kids joined us).
Wednesday, May 4th was Family Day. As we pulled onto the base, my heart wanted to jump out of my chest...knowing I was THIS close to my husband for the first time in 10 weeks was almost more than I could hold in! I wasn't exactly sure how the morning would go, but knew it could be nothing short of awesome! So as we pulled up to Hilton Field where the ceremonies would be held, I began to see hundreds of people that were there for the same thing as me, to see their loved one, and it was like we were instantly one big family. Once we found our seats on the bleachers (which my awesome friend Debi saved for me!), you could feel the electricity of anticipation in the stands, we wanted to soak in and savor every moment, but knew our soldiers were just across the field just behind the tree line. While waiting for everything to begin, I started seeing the familiar faces of "friends" I had met on Facebook who had a loved one in the same D Company that Abel was in. It was amazing to finally meet these people face to face and to express our appreciation to each other for the support over the past 10 weeks. Finally the ceremony began and there was a tactical demonstration by the soldiers and some other stuff I can't seem to remember right now, I'll have to watch the video later :), and then that's when the "fireworks" and smoke bombs started going off and out of the tree line and through the smoke came our soldiers, running towards us, then stopping in perfect formation. I spotted Abel right away, of course it helped that he told me the night before where he'd be :) I don't remember anything else after that except for hearing those precious words, "Go meet your soldier!" As we're making our way down the bleachers, I've got him in my sights the whole time, we get down to the field and I can't find him, then suddenly I hear my nephew Tyler yell, "he's over that way!" and then it was like the Red Sea parted and there was a clear path to him, and then like in slow motion we're running to each other. Karina had been crying since we started down from the bleachers and now finally seeing his face, I lose it and we give each other the biggest, tightest hug EVER! I could not let him go. I just kept hugging him and kissing him and Karina couldn't stop touching his face, and saying "Dada! Dada!" It was a moment that has been burned into the most precious part of my heart and mind and one that I'll never forget. I don't know how long we stood there like that, but I could have stood there till it got dark and not have cared :) But there were other people wanting to see him of course! So family hugs were given all around and introductions to fellow soldiers made. It was so awesome to get to meet these guys that Abel had shared the last 10 weeks of his life with, some I knew by name because he was so close to them, others, I remember seeing their faces from pictures on Facebook. It was an honor and privilege to meet them and their families.
The rest of the day we spent on base with him, as they were not allowed to go off post that day. But we had a great day, we all went to eat lunch together and then we got some family time, just the 3 of us together, most of the rest of the day. We spent some time at the park and at the rec center...just talking and listening to each other, finding it hard to believe that we were finally together! Dinner was spent with the whole family together again at the park and then he had to report back to his barracks...graduation would be the next morning.
So Graduation Day arrives and even though I had just gotten to see him all day the day before, I again was feeling this anticipation and excitement like I was gonna see him again for the first time :) You could see them way out on the end of the field in formation and ready to go. Again there was this electricity in the stands and it was with such honor and pride that I stood there and looked out to where my husband was marching towards the stands and could not help but feel God's words speaking directly to my heart saying, "I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future". All of the memories of the past 10 weeks of God's faithfulness flooded over me and I felt so excited about all that is to come. After the presentation of special awards for some of the soldiers, and after a short speech from one of the commanders, he presented to us the newest American Soldiers! The place went wild! They were all bussed back to their barracks and we were able to go meet Abel there and all I had to do was sign him out and he was MINE!!! :) (For a few days anyway!) So after doing his final check out and him saying his last goodbyes to all his buddies, we were finally able to take him with us. First thing we did was go eat some good Mexican food!! :)
After leaving base we headed down to Savannah, GA where the whole family spent the night and then the next morning we went our separate ways...Me, Abel and Karina were heading 9 hours over to Gulfport, MS and the rest of the family headed to Hilton Head, SC for some vacation time. Once we arrived in Gulfport, we drove to the Naval Construction Battalion Center where he would call home for the next 7 weeks. We were on base with him for 3 days, and also got to go to the beach in Gulfport, and we were a family again. :) We got to spend a total of 5 glorious, awesome, precious days with Abel. Days that I will not soon forget. Some people sing/say, "I left my heart in San Francisco"...I left mine in Gulfport....
And now this ending is just the beginning...
Philippians 1:6
"being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ"
Enjoy the pictures... :)
This was on the way to Family Day, we had one last chain and Karina tore into that thing! :)
Arriving at Hilton Field
"Victory Starts Here" the motto for Ft. Jackson
Tactical Demonstration
Waiting "patiently" :)
My new friend Debi, who I met on Facebook, was there for her son Ryan, who was very good buddies with Abel. If you've read my blog before, you remember Ryan as the guy holding up the sign of how many pieces of pizza he ate :)
Battalion Commander - LTC Glen Blumhardt
Here come the fireworks and smoke bombs...that can only mean one thing...they're about to bust out from the tree line!!
Here they come!!!! These pictures don't do it justice!!
Running towards the grandstand...
Stopping in perfect formation...
I put an arrow above Abel :)
The Reunion :) Almost there!!!
So close!!!FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karina was looking at him as if to say, Dada is it really you??!!
"Yes, it's really me!"
There comes a little smile :)
Buddies...Vargas & Thiel (Debi's son)
Yay!! Happy Family :)
Buddies Trautman & Vargas
Trautman & Vargas Families
My sweet Facebook friends :) Me, Debi, Jennifer, Jasmine & Michael...there were so many more people who we met but these are the ones who managed to find each other for a picture :)
Karina, Fuzzy & Daddy :) Fuzzy was with us the whole time that Daddy was gone :)
Karina surprised at how short Daddy's hair was :)
Going to get some lunch
Abel's barracks, they had the brand new, nice ones! Other companies were in these trailer-type barracks :)
This was his Regiment the 2-39th
Victory Tower
Daddy time at the park
Video games with Daddy :)
Dinner time at the park
Karina & Grandma at Graduation Day
Proudly wearing my bracelet I made in honor of my soldier!
Graduation Day!!!
Presenting the newest American Soldiers of the United States Army!!! HOOAH!!
The Army Band
Here's my Soldier!!
Going to the barracks to sign out...
The whole Family!! 14 of us!!
So happy :)I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!!
All the letters from Basic...
He's so handsome :)
Naval base in Gulfport
Last few pictures together before saying goodbye...
Helping Daddy pack his bags
His home for the next 7 weeks...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The End Is Just The Beginning
Posted by Carla at 1:53 PM
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I like this story ;-)
Oh my word - bawling! I love your writing, Carla, I feel like I am right there with you.
And you look beautiful! I think I would like to raid your closet.:) Did you get that purple (blue?) dress at Kohls?
Karina's face is priceless - that reunion moment is so precious.
And I think it's amazing that you've connected with these other familiars through FB - guess it kinda gives you a unique support system, since they are the ones that REALLY know what you are going through.
I hope you're doing well - think of you often.
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