Friday, May 15, 2009

Another Birthday Party

A couple of weeks after Karina's birthday, we had another party for her with all her friends from church. We usually do this because we have the party outside in our backyard and usually the weather around the time of her birthday is still pretty cool, so thus, the second birthday party. The theme for her party was the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We had so many people there but it was soooo fun!

Karina helping me get ready for the party

I looked everywhere for a Mickey shaped cookie cutter and could not find one so I got creative and went to Menards and bought a piece of "bendy" metal and shaped it into a Mickey head and viola!
The Wal-Mart cake
My Cake
Karina has a serious dislike of beating the pinata, so now they make these pinatas that have pull strings. There is one "magic" string that pulls the bottom out of the pinata causing all candy to fall out. Much safer too :)
Once again, not a fan of the birthday song...


Jackie said...

I've been waiting to see birthday pics. And way to go with getting all creative with the bendy wire - those turned out so cute!

3 already - can you believe it? I get all nostalgic when I look at Savannah's newborn pics - it seems like she was just born sometimes.

Carla said...

I know Jackie, I was very happy with my Mickey rice crispies :) I seriously can't believe we're at Bday #3. Bittersweet definitely.