Friday, May 15, 2009

Our Baby Turned 3!

I can't believe another year has passed and now our baby girl is already 3! It was such a bittersweet day. We tell her all the time to stay this age and not grow bigger :) If only we could...

She is such an incredible, wonderful, sweet little girl, with a silly personality much like her daddy :) Every day with her is an adventure with her...she's always coming up with something new...and teaching us something new.

In the week leading up to her birthday (her b-day is April 18th) she kept asking when it was going to be her birthday. It is still hard for her to get the concept of time and I tried explaining that it was 5 days away, 4 days away, and on and on. Well Abel's birthday is on the 15th and my brother in law, Joe's is on the 16th and on each of those days we'd tell her who's birthday it was, and she'd get a little perturbed saying, "but mommy, it's my birthday, it's my turn!"

So on the morning of her birthday, she woke up to her room filled with balloons, and streamers on her door. She didn't know what was going on at first and then she remembered, it was her turn!

Later that day, my family came to our house to celebrate the April b-days: Abel, Joe & Karina.
Showing us she's 3!
She requested a Castle cake for her birthday
She is NOT a fan of having Happy Birthday sung to her :)
Opening presents:
From Uncle Todd & Aunt aquadoodle, cool!
Shoes from Grandma & Papa, one of her favorite things!
From Aunt DeeDee & Uncle Joe, books, create a pot, Sleeping Beauty magnets, and more shoes!!

The Boys, Abel & Joe

A special delivery from her best friend Jalese!


Jackie said...

You are super creative with the cakes, girl! I am going to have to do one of those castle cakes next, I think - a request has already been put in.

Silly personality? Abel? Nooooooo..... :)

This age is so fun, don't you think? The way they think and talk - I love every second of it.

Carla said...

Thanks for the compliment on the cakes :)
Ok talk about silly personality and fun with the way they talk...probably by now you're reading my most recent post :) I love it!! :)